🌟FREE 4 Day Challenge🌟

Overcome Doubt and Unlock the Hidden Potential of Your Spiritual Business

Grow Your Business at the Sacred 
Business Alchemy, 4-Day Challenge. 



🌟FREE 4 Day Challenge🌟

Overcome Doubt and Unlock the Hidden Potential of Your Spiritual Business

Grow Your Business at the Sacred 
Business Alchemy, 4-Day Challenge. 



Do You Know that You are a Part of the Great Awakening on our Planet?

You can have the SUCCESFUL BUSINESS you desire while helping others thrive.


Imagine having the CONFIDENCE to Embrace Your Unique Spiritual Gifts

and Confidently Share them with the World, WITHOUT the Burden of Self-doubt.

You will Finish our 4 Days Together with:
Tools to Create a Steady Flow of Clients

You'll learn how to create a steady flow of clients seeking your services, ensuring a stable and reliable income.

The Ability to Take Confident Action

Inner blocks like self-doubt and imposter syndrome will no longer hold you back; you'll approach your practice with confidence and fulfillment.

An Aligned, Attractive Pricing Structure

You'll learn how to confidently set your prices to reflect the value of your services, leading to your sense of stability and confidence.

A Clear Plan Moving Forward

Whether you are just imagining your business, or you have been practicing for years, you will walk away with a clear path toward your desired outcome.

A Supportive Community

Being part of a supportive community of fellow practitioners will foster collaboration, networking, and shared growth.

Purpose-Centered Action

You will learn to infuse all parts of your life with purpose for balance and congruence.

Effective Marketing

Marketing your services will become effortless and natural, as you develop a clear and effective strategy.

A Sense of Purpose for You and Your Business

It is time to stop wondering if you are doing the right thing. You are part of this amazing community of people helping others with their spiritual talents.

Learn how to put the Systems in Place, Embrace Marketing, and FINALLY identify with what it feels like to be a Thriving Spiritual Entrepreneur in ONLY 4 DAYS!
Sacred Business Alchemy

4 Day Challenge

  • This amazing event will happen from FEBRUARY 12-15, 2024 from 9:00-10:30AM Pacific each day.
  • This is an experiential event, and you will be amazed at how much connection, learning, and transformation we can achieve online.
  • You'll walk away each day with an action item you can start to implement right away.
  • The power of wrapping up an educational event is to see the changes you’ve begun to make already is key to continuing momentum..

Here’s What We’ll Be Covering

Over Our 4 Days Together

DAY 1: Awaken Your Spiritual Entrepreneurship
  • EXPLORE The Spiritual Entrepreneur's Journey
  • NAVIGATE Loneliness and Self-Doubt
  • EMBRACE Your Unique Spiritual Gifts as a viable business
DAY 2: Build A Thriving Spiritual Business
  • SET Prices with Confidence
  • MASTER Effective Marketing Strategies for Spiritual Practitioners
  • ATTRACT and Retain Clients
DAY 3: Expand Your Impact and Vision
  • SCALE Your Spiritual Business
  • BUILD a Supportive Community 
  • MANIFEST Abundance and Fulfillment
DAY 4: Creating Your Client Pipeline
  • DISCOVER the Secrets to Nurturing Your Treasure Trove of Potential Clients
Post Challenge Q&A Day
  • Monday, February 19, 9:00-11:00 Pacific Time (Value: $299)
  • This is the perfect opportunity to seek guidance and ask any questions that came up as you went through the challenge.

TOTAL Value: $997

Regular Price: $97. 

Your Price: FREE

🌟Day 1: Awaken Your Spiritual Entrepreneurship 

🌟Day 2: Build a Thriving Spiritual Business

🌟Day 3: Expand Your Impact + Vision 

🌟Day 4: Creating Your Client Pipeline

🌟Bonus Session: Post Challenge Q+A


🌟Creating Magic List (Value: $199)

🌟Pre-Challenge Strategy Session (Value: $100)



Jill Stein is an incredible, heartfelt, and wise coach for spiritual entrepreneurs.

 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Jill’s ability to use her vast experience in coaching, and in business, within the spiritual realms of doing our businesses, is powerful, inspiring and effective! Jill uses her intuition to guide her spiritual entrepreneurial clients in their businesses with love, enthusiasm and practical wisdom.


Angel Practitioner | Leader of Your Miraculous Life Angel Certification Program

BONUSES Made for You!

If you register today, you'll get these AMAZING Bonuses!


Creating Your Magic List

When I wrote my book, "How to Get Recognized, Remembered, and Referred", I spoke about the Magic List. Your magic list is your list of contacts, people that have come across your path, that might turn into paying clients.

It can take up to 10 or more, what we call "touch points", before someone gets to know you enough to become a paying client. I have developed a proven system to organize and "touch" your contacts.

In this training, I not only map  this out for you, I provide you with a template, so you can easily plug your business into that system to grow your business with more ease and effectiveness.

Value: $199


Pre-Challenge Strategy Session

Prepare for your spiritual business transformation with a personalized pre-challenge strategy session with me. In this one-on-one consultation, we'll assess your current business situation, whether you’ve started your business or not.

You'll gain clarity, focus, and a clear plan of action to maximize your results during the upcoming challenge and set the stage for lasting business growth.

Value: $100

Hear from Our Clients + the Results they've Created...

"Healer / Visionary / Mentor / Coach Jill….

Wise, Intuitive, Present, Joyful, Welcoming, Supportive, Focused, Hearing and Seeing beyond the words. I so love and appreciate you, your leadership, guidance, and our time together!"

Lorna Gale

Sexual~Spiritual Embodiment Guide

"You have made it possible for me to see what’s possible for our beautiful clients.

You are one special, magical, woman! Truly grateful for you.”


Divinity Grace

Founder of The Freedom Embodied Academy and The Divinity Embodied Mystery School

"Amazing Jill! You are magical, wise tech expert

and so intuitive to see my next steps when I thought there were no more steps for me to take. Thank you for being the wind beneath my wings."


Connie Knudson

Feng Shui Consultant

TOTAL Value: $697

Regular Price: $97. 

Your Price: FREE

Hey there!

I’m Jill Stein Clarkson,

the guiding light behind the Spiritual Entrepreneur Mastery Program.

With over a decade of experience as a spiritual entrepreneur and business coach, I've had the privilege of helping countless practitioners like you transform their spiritual gifts into thriving businesses. I've witnessed the power of aligning your soul's purpose with your business acumen, and it's nothing short of magical.


My journey began when I, too, stood at the crossroads of my spiritual calling and the desire for a sustainable livelihood.

It wasn't always an easy path, but I learned invaluable lessons along the way.

These lessons, combined with my extensive training and mentorship, have empowered me to guide spiritual practitioners toward success.


I created the Sacred Business Evolution training because I believe in the potential of each of you.

Your unique gifts have the power to create positive change in the world, and I want to provide you with the tools, knowledge, and support to make that a reality.


So, let's embark on this transformational journey together.

It's time to step into your role as a spiritual entrepreneur, attract abundant opportunities, and impact lives while living your soul's purpose. I can't wait to see the incredible growth and success that awaits you.

With gratitude and excitement,

Jill Stein Clarkson

Are you ready to step fully into this calling you are feeling

and explore what it would be like to have a thriving spiritual business?

. . . . . . . 

Save your spot for Spiritual Business Alchemy

and I’ll see you there.


Are you ready to step fully into this calling you are feeling

and explore what it would be like to have a thriving spiritual business?

. . . . . . . 

Save your spot for Spiritual Business Alchemy

and I’ll see you there.